Hazrat Ali (radiyallahu anh) – The Fourth Caliph of Islam

Hazrat Ali (radiyallahu anh) – The Fourth Caliph of Islam


The fourth and last of the Hulefa-i Rasidin is the hero of courage and compassion, knowledge and enlightenment, whom our Prophet raised as a common child, then married his most beloved daughter to the son-in-law;



The Introduction

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), saying this appreciated the value and his affection with Hazrat Ali – radiyallahu anh:


"Ali is from me and that I am from Ali." (Ali el-Muttaki, XIII, 143-144) 


He stated his position in the science of shari'ah and marifet by saying;


"I am the town of science, and Ali is that the gate of that town."


Hazrat Ali – radiyallahu anh is the father of Hasan and Hussain Efendi, and the dearest companion of the war and exalted squares.


Hazrat Ali - radiyallahu anh, who has a high position in the horizon of science and knowledge constituted the second branch of the golden range.

Hazrat Ali - radiyallahu anh, together with the esteemed daughter of our Prophet, Fatima radiyallahu anha, established a blessed home in which his food was ascetic and pious. This poor house, which our Prophet himself raised in the Tawheed, was a table of spirituality that witnessed unique disclaimers and sacrifices.


The Devotion of Hazrat Ali

The following example is enough to express the vast devotion of Hazrat Ali - radiyallahu anh, about whom the Prophet ordered "Sultanu'l-Eshıya", that is, the "Sultan of the Generates":

Based on the narration from Ibn Abbas -radıyallahu anhuma-, Ata (rahimehullah) says:

Hazrat Ali -radıyallahu anh- had watered a date palm for some barley one night. In the morning, he took the barley, which was his fee, and came to his house. They grinded one-third of the barley he brought and made a dish called “Hazira”. When the meal was cooked, a poor person came and asked for lillah / Allah. They also gave it all for Allah.

Then they grind the second third of the barley and cooked it. When the meal was cooked, this time an orphan came and said in the same way “lillâh” and asked for food. 

And the last third of the barley left was ground and cooked again. When the meal was cooked, a prisoner came and asked for something. They gave him their last meal and spent that day hungry.

According to another rumor; They gave their iftar meals to the poor, orphans, and captives for three consecutive days, and they had their fast with water. Thereupon, the following verses were sent down:

“They give their food to the poor, orphans, and captives, though they all are in need, just to be at Allah's approval and say:“ We give this to you simply for the sake of Allah. We expect neither a response nor a thank you. We are afraid of our Lord (of suffering His torment) in a difficult and troublesome day. (they say) . Allah will protect them from the disasters of that day, and give them light to their faces and joy to their hearts. " (al- Insan, 8-11) (Wahidi, Asbabu Nuzul, p. 470; Zemahseri, el-Kessaf, VI, 191-192; Razi, XXX, 244)


The Bravery Of Hazrat Ali


Although the preparations for assassination was known in the migration, Hazrat Ali lay down on the Prophet's bed without hesitation; He was an Islamic hero who won the prayer of the Prophet with his bravery on battlefields. In the detachment, that is, in the encounters before the field battles, he always knocked his enemies to the ground, thus;

He was entitled to the nickname «Esedu'llahi'l-galib», that is, «the victorious lion of Allah always». In Khaybar, he dismantled the castle gates, which the enemy was proud of, with the power of faith. This hero, who is so unprecedented in futuwwa and chastity, that is, bravery and courage; the opponent who spits in his face during the war just when he was about to finish;

"Self-destiny interferes with it, the intention of the word of Allah is damaged." He is brave enough to fight against his soul.

Hazret-i Mevlana expresses this unique sensitivity as follows:

My adversary, with one move left; In the face of Hazrat Ali's letting go, he puts his life anxiety aside and asks in amazement and horror:

“–O Ali! Why did you stop when you were just going to kill me? What happened to you from violent rage to indescribable silence? While it was flashing like lightning, you suddenly cleared like a calm air. What is the wisdom of this sudden change? This situation was a mystery to me. "

Hazrat Ali -radiyallahu anh- gives the following answer:

“–I would only jihad within the way of Allah. Again, I hit the heads of the enemies of God for His sake. I never confuse my soul with this either. You wanted to insult and annoy me by spitting in my face. I wish I was furious at that moment; I was going to kill you for a rational reason such as following my soul. However, I will fight for the sake of Allah, not for the satisfaction of my pride. "

In the face of this unique and sincere picture of virtue, that enemy is honored with faith and his dead heart comes to life.

Hazrat Ali, the owner of this high dignity and personality; He became one of the brightest and guiding stars of the Companions, with his knowledge and wisdom, strength and compassion, morality and generosity, and most of all with his distinguished qualities from the Prophet.


The Caliphate of Hazrat Ali


In a twist of fate, this great hero; came to the caliphate at the insistence of the Companions, in a turmoil in which the cauldrons of mischief was boiled and when Hazrat Usman was martyred. 

While Hazrat Ali's life of caliphate was exhausted by his effort to put out the fire of conspiracy and mischief that scorched the Islamic world; His life, which started in the Kaaba, ended by drinking a sherbet of martyrdom in Kufah Masjid. As his last words, he made the following bequest to our sons Hassan and Hussein:

“I bequeath you taqwa. Do not demand the world. Do not cry for your loss. Always tell the truth. Act with the Book of Allah. Be the enemy of the wrongdoer, the helper of the oppressed. Do not pay attention to the condemnation of the condemnation regarding the decrees of the religion. " See. Ramazanoğlu Mahmud Sâmi, Hz. Aliyyu'l-Murteza, p. 74)


The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about Hulefa-i Rasidin


Our Prophet (peace be upon him) expresses the value of the period of Hulefa-i Rasidin;

He declared a heraldic miracle by saying “(After me) the caliphate of prophethood has been for thirty years…” (Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 8; Ahmed, V, 50, 220, 221) ; 


He (PBUH) also reported the total term of duty of four distinguished friends who ruled the ummah with mercy and justice after their death.


The period of the Raşid Caliphs, who followed the blessed footsteps of the Prophet, came to an end with the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali; from now on, in proportion to the heart consistency of the believers and with the temptation of the divine destiny; There have been times, sometimes in weakness, painful and painful, and sometimes in times of grace.



Hazrat Ali Quotes


Let us mention the following principles among many of the Hazrat Ali Quotes, the gate of the city of science:


“The most difficult deeds are four qualities:

1. To forgive in the angry moment.

2. Being generous when you are in need.

3. To be protected from the evil of the soul in closed and secluded places.

4. Telling the truth to anyone who is afraid or expects an advantage. "


The Personal Value


"The value of a person is equivalent to the value of his wishes and desires."


“Of the whole world; The blessings of Islam are surely enough for you. One of your professions, your engagement is enough for you. The death sign is enough for you. "


“As long as four things continue, religion and the world will stand in peace and sound:

1. Unless the rich are stingy with the property given to them.

2. As long as the scholars act with what they learn and know.

3. The ignorant, unless they are proud of what they do not know.

4. As long as the poor do not sell their hereafter to their world. "


“Privacy is better than being grateful.”


“What is it for the son of Adam to brag ?! First is the nut, and the end is jaf! He cannot create his own sustenance, nor can he save himself from destruction. "


“If you want to be a friend with a man, at first stay at a distance from him; If he treats you normally being in this distant situation, continue your friendship or else give up.


“Keep relations with people like that; that If you die, they will cry and if you live, they will miss you. “


"Losing friends is going abroad."


"A seized stone in the building is the guarantee of the demolition of that building."


“The health of the body is dependent upon reducing envy. The enemy of body health is envy. "


“A group of people serve, hoping for something; This is merchant servitude.

A group of people also serve out of fear; this is slavery.

There is also a group of people that; In the form of praise, gratitude and remembrance, he expresses his servitude; This is the servitude of people with taqwa who have gotten away from the attack of all egoistic emotions. "


“There are two blessings, of whom I do not know which makes me happier:

The first is that a person comes to me hoping that I will meet his needs and sincerely asks me for help.

The second is that Allah fulfills or facilitates the wishes of that person through me. I would rather relieve a Muslim's boredom than have the world full of gold and silver. " (Ali el-Muttaki, VI, 598/17049)


The following points were written by Hazrat Ali to Malik bin Haris, whom he appointed governor of Egypt, express the very important truths that apply to every century:

“Don't look at people like the beast looks at the herd! Have feelings of love, compassion and kindness towards them in your heart! Because all people without exception are either brothers in religion or spouses in creation. People can make mistakes, things can happen to them. Take the hand of the dreamer, and if you want Allah's forgiveness for yourself, forgive people, tolerate and forgive them! Never blaspheme against Allah! Never regret your forgiveness! Do not be happy with your punishment! "


“Do not take the stingy, the coward who will break your determination in the face of great deeds, and the greedy people to the advisory committee, which means you will do good by frightening you by falling into poverty!”

“Tell Allah and His Messenger about the issues that you understand that you cannot handle!

Wait for Allah, to His Inscription; What is meant to refer to His Prophet is to apply to His Sunnah."


“Don't be self-righteous, don't give credit to those who praise you against your face! Do not let people know what you do, do not enlarge your work, do not break your promise to them! Coping ends the good, extinguishes the truth, and not keeping his word will attract the hatred of both Halık and the people. "


"Bundles of roses cannot be collected from a field where thorn seeds are sown."