Hazrat Usman (radıyallahu anh) - The Third Caliph of Islam

 Hazrat Usman (radıyallahu anh) - The Third Caliph of Islam 




The Introduction


The third of Hulefa-i RaÅŸidin is Hazrat Usman -radıyallahu anh-, the witness of generosity; It was a unique example in terms of life, decency, service to the Quran and love.


The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Love for Hazrat Usman


Hazrat Usman, who was honored to marry the name of the Prophet, Hazrat Rukiyya, felt sad after the death of his blessed wife. When our Prophet (PBUH) asked him why he was so sad, Hazrat Usman stated the main reason for his sorrow:

“O Messenger of Allah! What happened to me has not happened to anyone. When your daughter passed away to Ruqiyya, the relationship between you and me was cut!


His relatives' suggestions and proposals for remarriage were made by Hazrat Usman as a rule;

"Who can I see as a« father-in-law »after the Messenger of Allah? Whom should I marry after dating his daughter ? and he was deeply annoyed by the loss of kinship with that blessed family.

Seeing this burning state of Hazrat Usman, our Honorary Prophet (PBUH) soothed his sadness arising from his love and affection and married his little daughter Ummu Gulsum to him. After a while, upon the death of our Umm Gulsum Mother, the Prophet (PBUH) of Allah appreciated and consoled Hazrat Usman by saying.


"If I had a third daughter, I would definitely give it to you." (See, Hz. Osman Zinnynreyn , RamazanoÄŸlu Mahmud Sâmi, p. 12 )


Other Characteristics


Another characteristic of Hazrat Usman was his extraordinary affection for the Quran. It is narrated that he sent down hatim in a single rak'ah one night.

Hazrat Usman -radıyallahu anh- was a symbol of decency that even angels dream of. One day he asked permission to enter the presence of our Prophet. Although it did not change shape for the Companions who had come before him before, he recovered and corrected his position before allowing Hazrat Usman. When asked about his wisdom;

"How can I not dream about the one of whom even angels dream of ?! I swear by Allah that the angels dream of Uthman as they dream of Allah and His Messenger.” he said. (See Hz. Osman Zinnureyn , Ramazanoglu Mahmud Sami, p. 143-144)


Hazrat Usman; In Hulefa-i RaÅŸidin, it was a river of lust that was busy with trade like Hazrat Abu Bakr, earned a lot from halal and clean, and overflowed like floods in its execution. In this respect, he is a complete benefactor;


A Foundation Human


He bought the Ruma Well, one of the few water resources of Medina, from the owner of the Rumi Well, and devoted his heartfelt advice to the Muslims immediately, and when he needed it, he also got in line.

He received the rewards of our Prophet with the great generosity he showed in the expansion of the Masjid an-Nabawi and in the preparations for the Tabuk Campaign.

Hazrat Ali bought his armor, which he put up for sale because of the necessity, and then gave him as a gift; what an elegant example of fraternity.

In the expedition that will result in Hudeybiye Musalaha, Hazrat Usman, our Honorary Master and Companions set out for Umrah; Although he was detained in Mecca and allowed to circumambulate the Kaaba by his relatives in Mecca;

"I am not a genius in a worship where the Prophet is not accepted!" He denied their permission to circumambulate them, and became a glorious example of loyalty to our Prophet. When the Muslims who were waiting outside of Mecca for the revelation that Hazrat Usman was martyred, our Prophet took the allegiance known as Bey'atu'r-Rıdvan in the history of Islam from his companions and put one hand on his other hand for Hazrat Usman;

"This is Usman's allegiance." He commanded.

Thus, he displayed his affection for Hazrat Usman.

He was a companion of heaven, who was devoted to the Prophet with such loyalty and affection, as well as his devotion to lust and fervor.




It happened in an era when Islamic lands extended to continents, Islamic armies overflowed from land to seas, and great wealth and riches poured into the ummah as a means of heavy testing. Some of the new generations and new Muslims could not display the asceticism and taqwa of the Companions in the face of this great change.

"The corruption of my ummah is property!" Two of them accrued. The rebels marching to the caliphate center; They martyred Hazrat Usman in his house as a result of great conspiracy, sedition and confusion. The last words of the caliph who was a martyr at the beginning of the Quran at the age of 80;


"God! Make the Ummah Muhammad one and together! " happened.

He spoke briefly and concisely, and talked wisely and effectively. That state of man; He would converse with his silence as he read his eyes with his wit. His words were also included in the Quran, of which he adorned his life. Here is a sip of water from his fountain of wisdom:


The Three Things You Like The Most


"I have loved three things most in the world: Feeding the hungry, dressing the needy and reading the Quran!" ( Ibn-i Hacer, Munebbihat, p.11)


“O Adamoglu! Do not forget that the angel of death has been around since the day you were born. On the one hand, it is catching another by jumping from your neck. This will continue as long as you are in the world. However, a day will come when he will jump from the neck of others and catch you. This can happen at an unexpected moment. So be prepared for the last breath and try not to be caught unawares. Because the angel of death is never unaware of you.


O Adam! Know that if you are unaware of yourself and do not prepare for yourself, of course, nobody else will prepare for you. Do not forget that Allah will definitely arrive at the presence of Allah, and see the preparation of your soul for this and provide for him. Do not say let me blow this job to someone else! " ( Ali el-Muttaki, no: 42790 )



“Before your evil people haunt you, fulfill your duty of commanding good and forbidding evil. If you do not do this and your bad ones will haunt you, the prayers of your goodwill not be accepted anymore.  (Ali el-Muttaki, no: 8451)


“I found the essence of worship in four things:

1. To obey Allah's fard.

2. Avoiding Allah's forbidden deeds.

3. To make orders by hoping for his reward from Allah, that is, to tell people the truth.

4. To be in nehy ani'l-munker fearing the wrath of Allah, in other words, to avoid wrongdoing. (Ibn-i Hacer, Munebbihat, p.14)


“There are four things that are true virtue and the other is obligatory:

1. It is a virtue to sit and stand up with the righteous, it is fard to obey them.

2. It is a virtue to read the Quran and it is fard to act with it.

3. It is a virtue to visit the graves, it is fard to be prepared for it.

4. It is a virtue to visit the patient, and it is fard to learn from him. " (Ibn-i Hacer, Munebbihat, p.14)



Six Horrors


“The true believer has six kinds of fear:

1. Fear of losing the moment.

For, it is stated in the verses:

"Our Lord! After consummate skew our hearts we are guided! .. " (Al-i Imran, 8)


"O you who believe! Fear Allah in a way that is worthy of Him and perish only as Muslims. " (Ali-i Ä°mran, 102)


2. Fear of the angels writing the things that will make him ill on the Day of Judgment.

It is stated in the verse:

"That day (the earth) tells all of its news with the announcement of its Lord." (al-Zilzal, 4-5)


3. The fear that the deed will be voided by the devil 

It is stated in the verses:

 (Iblis) said: My Lord! In return for your temptation, I will adorn them (their sins) on earth, and I will certainly provoke them all! However, with the exception of sincere servants. " (al-Hijr, 39-40)


4. Fear of being caught suddenly and in heedlessness of the angel of death Azrail.

It is stated in the verse:

"And worship your Lord until near (death) comes to you!" (al-Hijr, 99)


It is stated in a hadith:

"A person dies in the state he lives in and is caught as he dies." (Muslim, Paradise, 83; Munavi, V, 663)


As a matter of fact, Hazrat Usman -radıyallâhu anh- lived with the Quran, executed the Quran, and was martyred while reading the Quran and attained mercy-i Rahman.


5. The fear of being in love of the world and being ignorant of the hereafter.

It is stated in the verse:

“This worldly life is nothing but a text of deception." (Ali-i Ä°mran, 185)


6. The fear of not being busy enough with the dhikr of Allah swallowed with his children and children. "

It is stated in the verse:

"Know that your property and your children are a reason for testing and the great reward is with Allah." (al-Anfal, 28)