Hazrat Abu Bakr (radıyallahu anh) - The First Caliph of Islam

 Hazrat Abu Bakr (radıyallahu anh) - The First Caliph of Islam


The first caliph of Islam was Hazrat Abu Bakrwho was the closest friend and confidant of the Prophet. 

HE; With his unwavering faith, loyalty, and approval, he had the hopes of being Siddiq. As the first lucky ones to accept the invitation to Islam, after the ascension event, against the ridicule of the polytheists;

"If he said it is true!" He declared his slot in a totally different form.

In the turmoil of assassination schemes to the Honorary Kainat in Mecca, in the service of his children, together with our Prophet on the journey of migration, in the Cave of Sevres, in the words of the verse; «The second of the two» had the honor of being the life friend of Rasulullah in the cave.

The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Love for Hazrat Abu Bakr

One day, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

He said, "I did not benefit from anyone else's property as much as I used Abu Bakr's property ...".

Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh- greeted these words with tears:

"I and my property, aren't we only for You, O Messenger of Allah ?!" (Ibn-i Mâce, Fedâilu Companions of the Prophet, 11) and declared in a burnt manner that he devoted himself to the Prophet with everything and that he was frivolous in Him.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Throughout his life, he had been in the service of our Prophet with his life, possessions, and children, rejoiced for him, felt sorry for him and worried about him. In the Cave of Sevres, where spiritual guidance also took place, the secret of merit with Allah and His Messenger was manifested:

Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh- narrates:

While we were in the cave with the Prophet (peace be upon him) on the journey of migration, I saw the feet of the polytheists wandering over us and;

“–O Prophet of Allâh! If one of them bends down and looks down, he will surely see us! ” I said.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,

"- What does one think (and what does he believe them) of two persons, the third of whom is God, O Abubekir?" (Bukhari, Tafsir, 9/9; Ashabun-Nebi, 2; Muslim, Fedailus-Companion 1)

The generosity of Hazrat Abu Bakr

An important part of the first Muslims had been honored with the efforts of Hazrat Abu Bakr. He spent his wealth, which he earned through honest and clean trade, to save by buying slaves who moan under the persecution of their polytheist masters. The following verses were sent down to praise his generosity:

His father, Abu Kuhafe, who is not yet honored with faith; Seeing that his son spent all his wealth to buy weak and feeble slaves and advised him to buy strong slaves who would at least be useful to him, Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh-; He replied that he had no consent other than Allah's approval. This answer was praised in the verse as follows:

"Those who give their property to good people to be cleaned are kept away from it (fire). There is no blessing to be received with gratitude for anyone other than asking for the approval of your Almighty Lord. And he will be pleased (by receiving the approval of his Lord) . " (al-Leyl, 17-21)

Hazrat Abu Bakr, who attained an unprecedented position in generosity; He was a hero of sincerity, trust and conviction who spent all his possessions when he invaded. He was a witness of forgiveness and mercy at a level that would not cease to help even those whose name was involved in the hypocrites' slander campaign against his daughter Hazrat Aisha.

Before becoming caliph, Hazrat Abu Bakr would milk the sheep of the orphans around him and meet their needs.

After becoming Caliph, “Now he has become a huge caliph; As their occupations increase and life conditions will change, they will probably not milk the orphans' sheep from now on. " they began to think. However, nothing changed. In the same humble manner, he continued to milk the sheep of the orphans and meet their needs personally. (Suyuti, Tarihul - Hulefa, p. 80; Sarıcam, Hz. Abubakar, p.82 )

Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh- was always in the first place in all righteous deeds and charities.

It is stated in the hadith that Hazrat Abu Bakr will be invited from all the gates of Paradise because of his lofty virtue of righteous deeds. It is reported that the nickname Abu Bakr was given to him because he ran for every charity work first and early.

The Closeness with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh- was experiencing a completely different closeness and a secret state of privacy with our Prophet (peace be upon him). He was exemplary of our Prophet to a degree that no other Companions could have had.

Hazrat Omer, who witnessed his conversations with the Prophet one day, describes this situation as follows:

“I entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah. They were chatting with Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh- about ilm-i tawhid. I sat between them. I did not understand anything from your words as if I did not speak Arabic;

«–What is this state of affairs? Do you always converse with the Prophet - peace be upon him and peace be upon him? » I asked.

Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh-; «- Yes, sometimes we chat alone with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). he replied.

When Hazrat Abu Bakr was chosen as the caliph after the death of our Prophet (PBUH), he made a great humility and nothingness to people as follows:

"O, people! Although I am not the best of you, I have been chosen for you. Help me if I do my duty properly. If I act wrong, show me the right way ... ” (Ibn-i Sad, III, 182-183; Suyuti, Tarihul - Hulefa, p.69, 71-72; Hamidullah, Prophet of Islam, II, 1181)

In fact, Hazrat Abu Bakr was indeed the most virtuous person among the Companions after our Prophet. However he;

“He is the servant of the Most Merciful, who walk on the earth with dignity and humility…” (al-Furkan, 63) lived in a state of destitution and nothingness in order to enter into the scope of the verse.

After the death of the Prophet, his desire to meet him intensified due to this firak.

Aisha expresses the enthusiasm of the Prophet at the moment of her father's death as follows:

“My father Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh- in death;

«–What day is it today?" asked.

"-Monday," we said.

«–If I die tonight, don't make me wait for tomorrow! For, for me, the loveliest of days and nights is the closest to the Prophet - peace be upon him. (That is the moment when I will meet him as soon as possible.) »He said." (Ahmed, I, 8)


The Beautiful Words by Hazrat Abu Bakr

A bunch of the wise words of this person who was the master of luck, loyalty, and merit, who grew up in the discipline of our Prophet, the Honorary of the Universe:

"Four people are among the righteous servants of Allah:

1. He rejoices when he sees the repenting person (with pleasure that he enters the path of salvation).

2. Who pleads with his Lord for the forgiveness of sinners. (The horizon and an indicator of mercy that a believer should have)

3. Those who pray to their religious brother in their absence. (Who does not hold grudges against anyone in his heart, does not harbor burden does not offend)

4. Helping and serving a person in need of himself. (Who is conscious of being entrusted with what Allah Almighty has bestowed upon him and to be able to perpetuate the creation) 

“In my sight, the strongest of you is the one who is weak until he gets his due. The weakest of you is the strong person until someone else is entitled to him. "

“If man only stayed in mosques (if he remained alone, not reflected in life); goods, in misers; weapon in cowards; if the authority is weak, things will deteriorate. "

"Think carefully about what you said when you said it, and to whom!"

"Do not brag! What good is it for the boast of man, who was created from the earth and will eat himself by wolves and insects when he returns to the earth!

"Treat yourself in order that people will treat you well!"

"Runaway from fame, honor will follow you."

"Be ready for death in order that you'll tend life eternal."

"Allah mentions the reward he will concede the Quran alongside the torment in order that the servant will demand worship and fear torture."