Jesus (peace be upon him) – One of the Mightiest Messengers of God

Jesus (peace be upon him) – One of the

 Mightiest Messengers of God

Quick Introduction


Prophet Jesus sent to Israel and the Holy Quran also reported the name of the prophet. He is the fifth of the six prophets, who are the highest among the prophets and are called the Ululazm. His mother is Hazrat Maryam. Allah created him without a father. He was born in Jerusalem. He became a prophet at the age of thirty. The book called the Bible was sent to him. At the age of thirty-three, he was raised to heaven alive. He will descend on the earth close to the doomsday.




Hazrat Maryam – Mother of Jesus (PBUH)


Maryam Hatun, mother of Jesus (PBUH), was a righteous and clean lady from the descendants of Suleiman aleyhisselam. When Hazrat Maryam was fifteen years old, she was engaged to a person named Yusuf-i Neccar. But before marrying him, Allah announced that he would give a child without a father to Hazrat Maryam.


The Birth of Jesus (PBUH)


Hazrat Maryam, with the command and power of Allah, became pregnant with Jesus. After a while, normal pregnancies began to appear. Seeing these situations, the Israelites began to gossip. They made various slanders and said things that would not come to mind and would not be taken into account. Unable to tolerate these rumors, Hazrat Maryam retreated to Bayt-i Lahm, a quiet town about 10 km south of Jerusalem. Considering that everything happened with the discretion and can of Allah, she was patient with people's words about herself. 

As the birth of Jesus (PBUH) approached, she came under a dried date palm tree while walking in the garden of his place. She leaned against this tree as her labor pains intensified. The dried date palm tree on which he leaned turned green. Although the season was winter, it bore fruit. Under his feet, a little water channel began to flow. This situation comforted Hazrat Maryam. Meanwhile, Hazrat Isa came to the world. When Jesus (PBUH) was born, all idols within the east and west were destroyed and fell to the bottom . The demons were surprised by this situation. Finally, their elders, Iblis, informed them that Jesus (PBUH) had come to the world. When he was born, a great star appeared in the sky.



Jesus Talks in the lap of Mary


The Israelites, who learned that the Prophet Jesus was born, came to Bayt-i Lahm. When saw the newborn child in the lap of Hazrat Maryam, they said;

“O Mary! What is this? You came here doing a really ugly job. Where did you get this child, even though you were a very young girl but without a husband? What a wonder and wonder is this? "

The Holy Virgin listened patiently to all or any that was said. She didn't answer at all. But; pointed to the Prophet Jesus.

“Let him inform you of the reality of the matter. Talk to him. Ask him and understand! "

When they said that the child in the arson could not speak, Jesus Christ, who was in the arson, raised his hand and said:

“O ignorant ones! Do not attack my high reputation and condemn my mother. Surely, I am the servant of Allah. He will give me the book and make me a Prophet. Wherever I was, he made me blessed and ordered me to pray and give zakat as long as I was alive. He made me respectful of my mother ... On the day I was born, on the day I die, and on the day, I will be lifted alive, my salvation is upon me. "


The Israelites, who were amazed at how Prophet Jesus spoke, seemed to swallow their tongues. They couldn't say anything. Despite this, they did not refrain from making the said-code and making various slanders. They did not hesitate to make various slanders.


Life Before Prophethood


The governor of Damascus of the Roman emperor wanted to kill the two of them because he was born without a father. His mother took him to Egypt. They stayed in Egypt until the Prophet Jesus was twelve years old. Then they came to Jerusalem again and settled in the city of Nasıra.

Prophethood and the Background of Killing Plan


When he turned thirty, he was declared a Prophet by the will of God. When his prophetic order was announced, he immediately started preaching. He wanted people to believe in Allah and to follow His orders and avoid his prohibitions and rebellion.

The Israelites did not accept this invitation. Jesus (PBUH) showed miracles to non-believers. Although Jesus (PBUH) made a great effort, very few people believed. Just as the Israelites didn't believe him, they opposed his invitation and have become angry day by day. Seeing the softness of Jesus Christ, they did not believe. They even went further and attempted to kill the Prophet Jesus. Thereupon, the Prophet Jesus took a word from the twelve people named as apostles, whom he chose among those who believed in him, that they would believe and worship Allah and help him.



Killing Plan


A group of Jews spoke to Isa (PBUH) and his mother Hazrat Maryam. When Jesus (PBUH) heard this, he made a curse about them. Allah accepted this prayer and turned those who prolonged his tongue to Jesus and his mother into monkeys and pigs.

Seeing this situation, the Jews discussed the event among them. All of them agreed to kill the Prophet Jesus. They started looking for Prophet Jesus. They tricked the Roman Emperor's Governor of Jerusalem Jones Pilot to believe that Jesus was against the Roman Empire which he was trying to determine a replacement government in Palestine.


The Last Talks of Jesus (PBUH)


For the last time, Jesus had a secret conversation with his Apostles one night and said to them, “Before the rooster crows (that is, before the morning) one of you will deny me and sell me for small money.”. In fact, the Apostle named Yahuda took some money from the Jews before morning. He informed the whereabouts of the Prophet Jesus.


So-Called Crucifixion


When Jesus entered the house with the Jews to catch the Prophet, Allah likened Yehuda to Isa. The Jews also caught him, saying Jesus (PBUH), and killed him by hanging him on the cross (crucifixion). Allah raised Jesus (PBUH) to heaven. Jesus (PBUH) was thirty-three years old at this point.


The Events after Jesus (PBUH)


Forty years after Jesus (PBUH) was raised to heaven, the Romans attacked Jerusalem. They killed most of the Jews and captured some of them. They plundered the city. They burned their books. As punishment for what they did against Jesus, they became despicable.


Christians’ Belief Vs. Muslims’ Belief


Christians believe that Jesus (PBUH) fell to the cross and died there, but then rose to heaven.

Muslims, on the other hand, believe that Jesus alaihis-salam was lifted directly to the sky. 

This matter Quran 'In the 158th verse of the chapter of an-Nisa, it is stated as follows:

“They did not hang him, they did not kill him. On the contrary, Allah raised him to his level.”

In addition, it was stated in the hadiths:

Jesus (aleyhisselam) did not die. He will return to you before doomsday. ",

"I am the closest of the son of Mary to Jesus (aleyhisselam) within the world and therefore the hereafter."

" there's no other prophet between me and Jesus (aleyhisselam) ."

The Start of Misconceptions about Jesus

Allah raised Isa as well as Idris at the age of 33. He invited people to religion for three years. Upon his will, the Apostles scattered around. They started to tell people about Christianity. It took 80 years for this true religion to spread.

Then Christians were perverted. Bible has changed. Just as the Jews slandered the Holy Virgin and Jesus, Christians got stuck in three wrong beliefs about him.

Some of them, "The son of Mary is God." said. Some say, "He is the son of God." said. Another group said, "He is one of the father, son and spirituality".


The Return of Jesus


Jesus aleyhisselam never married. He did not give value to the world. He will go down to the minaret of the Umayya Mosque in Damascus close to Doomsday, get married and have children. He will meet with Hazrat Mahdi, he will live for 40 years, die in Madinah, and be buried in the cell where the Prophet’s grave is located. He will be subject to the provisions of the religion of Islam and he will be judgmental.


European Books about Islamic Year and Christmas Night


It is written in European books that Plato died 347 years BC. Since Jesus (PBUH) came to the world secretly, remained a little in the world, and was raised to heaven, and only twelve apostles knew him and the Christians lived secretly for a couple of centuries, that is, Christmas night wasn't understood correctly.

It is written in books in various languages that the current Islamic year is less than five years, as it is supposed to be the twenty-fifth of the first law (December) or the sixth or other day of the second law (January). In that case, the Islamic year is not correct and definite, and its day and year are doubtful and wrong.

According to what Imam-i Rabbani (kuddis sirruh) and Burhan-ı Kati report, the Greek philosopher Plato lived in the time of Jesus aleyhisselam.According to this, the Islamic calendar is incomplete for more than 300 years, and therefore the time between Isa and Muhammad aleyhisselam isn't but a thousand years.


The Miracles of Jesus (PBUH)


There were nine types of miracles:

1.  1.   He spoke in his cradle.


2.  2.  He raised the dead. It is especially famous that he resurrected four dead. These are Sam bin Nuh, Shaddad bin Ad, Masan bin Malan and a child from Bani Israel.


3.  3. It would make the blind ones see as if they are healthy, and it would cure the baras disease, which is a skin disease. It would be nice if he touched the patient with his hand. He was called Isa-i Messiah because he cured the patients by anointment together with his hand. (Surat al-Maida: 110)


4.   4. As stated in the 49th verse of the chapter of Iml-i Imran, he informed about the things that his people ate or hid for eating.


5.   5. As stated within the 110th verse of chapter al-Maida, when a bird was made up of mud and blown thereon, it might become a bird with the permission of Allah.


6.   6. As stated in the 114th verse of chapter al-Maida, the Apostles offered to bring down a table containing food. When the Prophet Jesus raised his hands and prayed, a table with bread and meat came down.


7.    7. When Jesus was asleep, he knew everything that was spoken and done with him.


8.   8. Whenever he wanted, when he raised his hands to the sky and prayed, food and fruit would come before him.


9.   9. Jesus (PBUH) knew his words and secrets even though he was far from the Jews (Bani Israel).


The religion of Jesus Christ; Christianity:


The religion of Moses (peace be upon him) continued until the time of Jesus (PBUH). But when Jesus aleyhisselam came, it was not permissible to follow the religion of Moses, and until the religion of Muhammad aleyhisselam came, it was necessary to obey the religion of Jesus.


The Negative Role of Paul


Paul, one of the notables of the Jews and one of the greatest enemies of the Christians, made up the lie that he accepted Christianity and that Jesus (PBUH) made himself a lie to invite non-Jewish nations to Christians. He changed his name to Pavlos (Bolus). Appearing as a very good Isevi, he broke the religion of Jesus (PBUH). Tawhid (belief in one God), trinity (belief in three gods = Father-son-holy spirit); He converted Christianity to Christianity. Bible changed. Jesus is the son of God, he said.

Quotes of Jesus (PBUH)

“World love is the head of all evil. The eye gaze magnifies lust in the heart. (The greedy makes a person insatiable.) I swear that lust (to obey the desires of the soul) leaves its owner long-lasting trouble. Look through the world. Do not bother with repairs."

“Who wants the world is like those who drink sea water. The more he drinks, the more his thirst will increase, and eventually he will die. "

"Good news to those that cry once they remember their sins, who protect their tongue and who have enough house to stay their heads."

“The most beloved thing in the sight of Allah is righteous hearts. Allah keeps the world alive for their sake. When they are destroyed, they destroy the earth."

“Trees are many, but not all bear fruit. Fruits are many, but not all are sweet. The sciences are many, but not all of them are useful. "

“I cured the deaf and dumb, I revived the dead. But I could not find the cure of Jahl-i inkb (thinking ignorance of science and maturity). (Because that nobody is as if the knowledge and ripeness of ignorance.)